Today was such a beautiful day, so I decided it would be a great idea to take my son to the park. One of my friends, Kodi; who I mentioned in an earlier post, has 3 girls. So I decided to send her a text so see what she was doing and if she wanted to go to the park.
When I got a hold of her, she let me know that SHE was on the way to the park. Well La-Ti-Da! Look what we have here =). Excited, we meet up and of course, I brought my camera. Here I was, thrilled that there are 7 of us and I know that I will get some great photo's in today. Little did I know, there was something preventing my happiness to come.
We were at the park for about 3 hours and we all decided to pack it up and head our separate ways. Not to mention, it was getting to be dinner time (I love the time change). Christian, my son, and I went to drop off my film and when I picked it up, not only did it develop blue, but in most pictures, there was a light orange line running down.
-Sigh- Of course, a beautiful day and no pictures am I able to use. So, for giggles, here are the pictures that weren't SO bad =).
This one, I shot earlier in the day. This is the entrance to the alley where I took Hopes pictures, the week before.
The next two shots are of the park that is next to the one we went to. They have been tearing down all of the trees in this park, so there's not much else you can see besides cement. I wanted to get at least these pictures, before this stream and the few trees that are left, become non-existent.

Here are the very few pictures that I was able to get of the kids today.